Got Stuff? Want Stuff?
Q: What is a "Magic Auction"?
A: An exclusive event where magical apparatus and supplies are auctioned off. It's one of the benefits of membership! The auction offers incredible bargains on magic items.
Q: When does it start? Can I arrive early?
A: Doors open for general admission at 7:00 PM, with the auction commencing around 8:00 PM. Table purchasers are advised to arrive by 6:30 PM, as early access before 7:00 PM is exclusive to them. This policy ensures a fair experience for all and aids in the smooth setup of the auction and sales areas.
Q: Who can buy, who can sell?
A: You! All magicians from the community may buy or sell items at the auction. You do not have to be a club member, however club members may be given preferential treatment in purchasing tables and in the order they are allowed to offer items for auction.
Q: What do I have to do to sell my stuff?
A: If you have a lot of items, or some rather intricate or expensive items you will probably want to purchase a full table for $15 or a half table for $10. (See below). 10% is not collected from those who buy/sell through a table. If you just have a few items for sale you may wish to offer them during the auction.
Q: How do I get a table? What do they cost?
A: Fill out the online form to make your reservation. Tables should be reserved in advance as we have a limited number (approximately 12 large tables, which can be split into two). For paid Ring 216 members, full tables (about 3x8 feet) are $15, half tables (3x4 feet) are $10. For non-members, full tables are $20 and half tables are $15. You will pay for the table when you arrive at the auction.
Q: How much of the money for the auction goes to the club?
A: 10% of the total proceeds of auctioned items go to the club, rounded to the nearest dollar. The treasurer will collect all payments, deduct 10% and pay out the proceeds to the person who offered the items for sale. The club does not collect any money for items sold from the tables.
Q: What is the bidding format? Who will auction my items?
A: It is an open, informal bidding process, and you must be present to buy items. A club officer may auction the items for you, or you may auction them yourself. There will be a time limit for each person offering items for auction. If time allows, you may have more than 1 auction period. If no one is willing to meet your starting (minimum) bid, you are not required to complete a sale. A minimum bid increment will be established for each item auctioned.
Generally minimum bid increment is 50 cents for items under $10; $1 for items up to $40; and $4 for items up to $200. Please keep bids to whole dollar figures.
Q: What can I sell? Are there any restrictions?
A: You can offer for sale any items you legally own. Please do keep it MAGIC related - this is not a yard sale! You will not be permitted to sell illegally copied tapes, books, pamphlets, CDs, DVDs, etc. The seller and buyer are responsible for insuring that items are as represented and in the stated condition. We do not permit hazardous materials to be brought to the auction location - this would include flammable liquids, and pyrotechnic items.
Q: What if I have multiple identical items to sell?
A: Seller should indicate that they have multiple items to sell, but do not need to specify how many. All items must be sold at the highest price bid - they cannot be sold at a lower price.
Q: What do I do if an item I buy is not suitable/usable?
A: The club claims no responsibility for any items bought or sold. The transaction is between the buyer and seller. We recommend you first approach the seller with your grievances. Club officers may assist in settling disputes that may arise but are not required to do so. The club reserves the right to suspend, revoke, or cancel the local membership of any member who fraudulently or in bad faith abuses this club provided venue. Local revocation may be reported to the International membership committee.